Tactical Tuesday: Advice for Self-Editing

Editing for word count can be the most freeing experiences an author can endure. Yes, we hate to think that even one word in our carefully crafted prose can be tossed away without a thought. We wonder how in the word tightening a sentence can make it zing, but it...

Tactical Tuesday: Advice for Self-Editing

I attended the Florida Christian Writer’s Conference this last weekend. This is a great conference, and if you’ve never looked it up, you should. When most of the states are covered in snow and ice, the writers at this conference might have to brave some sixty degree...

Tactical Tuesday: Advice for Self-Editing

Write your best story. Great advice, but the sentiment is vague. What is your best story? The market (both traditional and indie) is flooded right now by writers who believe they have written their greatest achievement until their next story gets put down on paper....

Tactical Tuesday: Advice for Self-Editing

Have you ever read a book so terrible that you felt sorry for the author? I have. When this happens to me, it’s as if I’m cruising past a train wreck, and I can see into each derailed car and the disaster inside. I find myself wondering why someone didn’t switch...

Tactical Tuesday: Advice for Self-Editing

Have you ever known someone who has an annoying habit? Every time they do what they do, it drives you up the wall? Sometimes authors develop annoying habits, and those habits can destroy a writer’s relationship with a reader. Authors will say it has everything to do...
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