Inspiration & Spirituality

Holy Week: Palm Sunday

Passion Sunday. The beginning of Holy Week. Today Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a borrowed donkey to shouts of hosannas. He is followed and adored just mere days before those same shouts morph into cries of, “Crucify Him!” Have you ever pondered how...

Easter Sunday: He is Risen! Alleluia!

Happy Easter! He is Risen! Rejoice!

Holy Week: Holy Saturday

As Jesus lies in the tomb, that grain of wheat fallen to the ground in order that He may bear much fruit, we are forced to ponder our own faith journey. Can we follow Him fully into a resurrection to

Holy Week: Good Friday

Today, Good Friday, Jesus is beaten and crowned with thorns. He is forced to carry a heavy Cross, He is nailed to it, and He suffers excruciating pain for three hours while He atones for our sins and then

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