Inspiration & Spirituality

Holy Week: Thursday

This evening marks the beginning of the holiest three days of the year: The Easter Triduum. Today, Jesus reveals Himself as the Passover Lamb. Our King of Kings shows us lowliness and humility, not just by His impending sacrifice, but by stooping to wash the...

Holy Week: Tuesday

At the Last Supper, Jesus tells the Twelve that one of them will betray Him. The Apostles are shocked at this revelation, and Peter is later adamant that he would die for Jesus. Here we learn two very important lessons. One, sometimes the enemy lurks among us and we...

Holy Week: Monday

John’s gospel, 12:1-11, points out three interesting things that help to clue us in to Who Jesus is and what is about to happen. First, the gospel tells us that six days before the Passover, Jesus was in Bethany with Lazarus, Mary and Martha. It’s...

Jesus, Meek and Humble of Heart, Part 5

From the game-winning score to the top of the corporate ladder, we love it when we’re praised for our achievements. On the flip-side, it’s not so great to have to be reprimanded for mistakes. But, if we think on it logically, does praise make the achievement greater than if no one acknowledged it?

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Jesus, Meek and Humble of Heart, Part 3

We all want to be loved. It’s part of our DNA and can’t be denied, but sometimes we crave the love of others so much it becomes a constant preoccupation, and the fear of not being loved becomes a chronic source of stress. If we’re constantly worried about whether our actions will cause people to despise us, or whether we’re lovable enough not to be rejected, we sink into that “I” trouble we touched on in Part 1.

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Jesus, Meek and Humble of Heart, Part 2

It’s a wonderful feeling when people are lifting us onto a pedestal, and it’s difficult sometimes not to want the adulation. Likewise, it’s terrible—often debilitating—when people are talking about us behind our backs, especially if what’s being said is slanderous. It only makes sense that we would desire one and fear the other.

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Jesus, Meek and Humble of Heart, Part 1

As we journey towards Easter this year, let’s take a moment to consider the virtue of humility. I think it’s one of the most misunderstood concepts. Contrary to what some think, humility is not “the opposite of pride”. Nor is it having (or exercising) low self-esteem or self-degradation. Simply put, humility is

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