Back From Conference

I am back from the Oregon Christian Writers Conference where I represented both White Rose Publishing and announced our new venture – Harbourlight Books. The conference was awesome, the OCW Hospitality crew was the greatest and every single person involved in making this come about deserves a huge THANK YOU…

I am back from the Oregon Christian Writers Conference where I represented both White Rose Publishing and announced our new venture – Harbourlight Books.

The conference was awesome, the OCW Hospitality crew was the greatest and every single person involved in making this come about deserves a huge THANK YOU from all attendees. A huge amount of work went into making this year’s conference a wonderful success.

We had morning devotionals and evening services and every event opened with a prayer. God was everywhere – everyone I met is devoted to God first, and many feel this is their ministry, to bring Christian books to every single person we can reach.

I presented a workshop and had a table in the Writing Center. I was able to meet many authors, a few agents, and editors of other houses.

The setting at Canby Grove is a beautiful retreat. Douglas firs reached to the heavens, the temperatures were perfect (high 60s to low 80s) and the workshops were artfully scattered about the campus to give attendees time to leisurely the walk to and fro.

I truly enjoyed meeting everyone and will be very pleased to welcome some of the authors I met into the White Rose and Harbourlight families.

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