A Word from LoRee Peery

I’ve been around Pelican Book Group for a while now, since 2010. Many of you know me, and I’m sure I’m new to others. This is quite different for me, publishing nonfiction. Never in my wildest dreams had I considered writing anything but fiction. Well, monthly blogs. But look what…

I’ve been around Pelican Book Group for a while now, since 2010. Many of you know me, and I’m sure I’m new to others.
This is quite different for me, publishing nonfiction.

Never in my wildest dreams had I considered writing anything but fiction. Well, monthly blogs. But look what the Lord has done! I’m still in awe, three years later. And I can take no credit for what flowed from my pen onto the paper.

Wherever you are in life, if you’re especially in a dark place, pick up a journal and pour out your thoughts. I’ve been in a situation where words for prayers wouldn’t come. I could only cry out, “Jesus!”

And even now, I struggle with some stories. I’ll sit down to write and my mind is all over the place, even after praying, and sometimes I’m sure even if our busyness if serving others, that the enemy has something to do with our scattered thoughts.

So I’ll begin writing, I don’t know what to write. I don’t know what to write. I don’t know what to write. And all of a sudden, the words are flowing. Or not.

I pray my modern-day psalms in Shelter in the Night touch the lives of readers in a way that draws you closer to our Lord. And if you are inclined to write a review, you have no idea what reviews mean to authors.

Signing off now, I’ll pray the Doxology printed above over you.

To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy—to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.
Jude 24-25

A Word from LoRee Peery

Shelter in the Night

by LoRee Peery
Release Date 2024-05-10
ISBN: 9781522304661
PelicanID: 1665
Genres: Religion / Christian Living / Devotional
Pages: 182

Do you ever awaken in the middle of the night, beset by thoughts of the worries of the day? Do you ever awaken with the feeling that God wants you to pray for someone or some thing? Do you pray, flounder in your prayer or immediately fall back to sleep?

Through the verses of Shelter in the Night, volume 1 in the Worship through Verse devotionals, the author pours out sorrows and joys much like the Old Testament psalmists. Whether you need shelter or reassurance, this collection can bring peace, hope and solace.

“ Shelter in the Night, LoRee Peery's book of modern-day psalms is a pleasure to read. The poetry has depth and feeling that really did remind me of the Psalms. This is a really beautiful collection of writings.” — Mary Connealy, best-selling author of Braced for Love, book #1 Brothers in Arms Series

Now Available at these places and more:

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