Time to think about Christmas!

As we’re getting into the new year’s groove, it’s time to start thinking about Christmas! Get clicking on those keyboards dear writers. Our 2013 Christmas Extravaganza is on the way. Pelican Book Group is seeking manuscripts to fill a special 2013 holiday release extravaganza. We are currently seeking novelette to…

pelican book group christmas extravaganza pic

As we’re getting into the new year’s groove, it’s time to start thinking about Christmas! Get clicking on those keyboards dear writers. Our 2013 Christmas Extravaganza is on the way.

Pelican Book Group is seeking manuscripts to fill a special 2013 holiday
release extravaganza. We are currently seeking novelette to novella
length stories (between 15,000 and 25,000 words) to fill twenty-four
special slots. Stories may fit either the White Rose Publishing
(romance) or the Harbourlight Books (general fiction) imprint, but must
have a Christmas theme. Submissions must be received on or before 1 May

Stories must be Christian fiction, may be contemporary or historical,
and may fall under any subgenre (e.g. romantic suspense, sci-fi,) To
submit, please use the submission form found on our website. (
http://www.pelicanbookgroup.com/ec/submission-form ) Be sure to include:
CHRISTMAS SUBMISSION in the additional notes section.

In addition, Pelican Book Group is always open to general submissions.
Full submission guidelines may be found at

For more information about White Rose Publishing and Harbourlight Books
please visit our website at http://www.pelicanbookgroup.com or read some
of our titles. Our books are available local and online retailers such
as Amazon, ARe, Apple, Barnes and Noble, Christian Book Distributors, Sony.

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