Interview with Jody Day

Interview with Jody Day What is your writing schedule like? I'm an early morning writer. It's hard to get up sometimes, but if I decide what I'm going to write next before I go to bed, it motivates me. That is the time with no distractions. In November, I write…

Interview with Jody Day

What is your writing schedule like?
I'm an early morning writer. It's hard to get up sometimes, but if I decide what I'm going to write next before I go to bed, it motivates me. That is the time with no distractions. In November, I write pretty much every spare moment for National Novel Writer's Month. All of my books have been projects for that event.
How did you come up with your title?
Joy Express. Bailey and Scott have really been through trials and tribulations in the first two books. This one is no different, but it's about finding joy in the struggle, even if you can't be happy.
Tell us about your hero and heroine. What makes them likeable?
I think that what makes Scott and Bailey so likeable is that they are regular folks trying to live out their faith. They are so relatable, because who isn’t just like that? They are trying to take care of the people they love.
How much of the book is based in real life?
The most real life connection is that Bailey and I both had a tremendous struggle with self-esteem, which made us people pleasers. We’ve both grown out of that, discovering on a daily basis who we are in Jesus Christ.
What books have most influenced your life?
Besides God’s Word, the Anne of Green Gables series by Lucy Maud Montgomery are why I’m a writer today. I was changed as I read Montgomery's prose of Anne's thoughts: "The little things of life, sweet and excellent in their place, must not be the things lived for; the highest must be sought and followed; the life of heaven must be begun here on earth." I’ve also been highly influenced by Jan Karon with the Mitford series.

What do you do when you're not writing?
Loaded question! I’ll have to live to be 150 plus to get everything done I aspire to do. Currently, I have six grown children and 15 grandchildren that live in my town, and they keep me wonderfully busy. I am President of our local writers group, Critique Café, and we’re very involved in all things National Novel Writers Month, as well as publishing a quarterly anthology. I teach piano and voice lessons, coach our church worship team, and am a member of the Chorus of the Big Bend. I am on the prayer team at church, and co-lead Wrapped in Prayer Blanket Ministry (We’re going to Juarez, Mexico in December with 120 hand-made blankets, Spanish Bibles, and Christmas gifts for a church that is 80% children. I can hardly wait.). I serve as Music Director/Administrative Services at our public library. I’m a crafter when time permits, and crochet a lot! My husband and I like to watch black and white TV and movies. I’m into old Perry Mason reruns right now, lol.



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