The Unexpected Christmas Gift

The Unexpected Christmas Gift  by Carol James   How much of the book is based in real life? Several years ago, I worked in international sales, and my husband and I attended a trade show in Dusseldorf, Germany. We stayed in the nearby town of Wuppertal. Just like Eli and…

The Unexpected Christmas Gift 

by Carol James


How much of the book is based in real life?
Several years ago, I worked in international sales, and my husband and I attended a trade show in Dusseldorf, Germany. We stayed in the nearby town of Wuppertal. Just like Eli and Holly. We visited the cathedral in Cologne and enjoyed a breathtakingly spiritual and unexpected organ concert. Just like Eli and Holly. I wanted this story to reflect the beauty and wonder we found on this trip.
Are plots based on someone you know or events in your own life?
Plots and stories are all around, and I am constantly watching for inspiration. Some of my plots are based on situations I’ve observed or experienced over the years. While the setting for The Unexpected Christmas Gift is based on my personal experience, the plot is completely fictional.
What do you do when you're not writing?
When I’m not writing, I enjoy walking my dog with my husband, traveling with friends, serving at my home church, volunteering at a nearby Christian school, and being a Grammy.
What is your next project?
I have just completed a novel in which the heroine fights to overcome childhood abuse. My next work will be a novel whose plot was influenced by letters I read from the Secret Drawer Society while staying at Longfellow’s Wayside Inn several years ago.
What is the spiritual takeaway for your reader?
We can trust God to work everything for our good.
What is your hero's main character flaw?
He allows his work to take precedence over relationships.
What is your heroine's main character flaw?
Trying to handle everything on her own and failing to trust God.
What makes your hero heroic?
When faced with the challenge, Eli finds a way to achieve his goals and save his relationship with Holly without compromising his ethics.

what makes your heroine heroic?
Holly learns to trust God to lead her out of her desert of personal loss and pain into abundant life.




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