A Message from Lesa Henderson on Someone to Watch over Me

Today we discover what message author Lesa Henderson wants to convey to the readers of “Someone to Watch over Me”, the latest addition to the Laurel Ridge series from Pelican Book Group. The main message I want “Someone To Watch Over Me” to convey to the reader is God is…

Today we discover what message author Lesa Henderson wants to convey to the readers of “Someone to Watch over Me”, the latest addition to the Laurel Ridge series from Pelican Book Group.

The main message I want “Someone To Watch Over Me” to convey to the reader is God is always watching, and He always cares. Even when bad things happen – as they often do – He does care. When things like the death of a loved one, a tragic event, or even some of the horrible atrocities that take place in the world, God is often accused of not caring. He’s accused of being absent. This what Catlin, the heroine of “Someone To Watch Over Me” is struggling with. She is angry and disappointed with God over the loss of several family members in a short span of time. She is struggling in her faith as a result.

Sometimes a person, as with Cameron, the hero of our story, a veteran who’s seen unspeakable things doubts if God even exists at all. He questions how a God who exists and is loving can let such horrible things take place. For him, as with others, it can be hard to come to terms with the hardships we see and suffer and a real, loving God who is always good.

However, the truth is – God is good. He’s always good. He’s not asleep on the job or allowing things to happen because He’s powerless or mean. Instead, He’s faithful. We aren’t promised a life of ease without heartache and suffering. We live in a fallen world with an enemy, Satan, who hates us and wants to see us destroyed. Yet in every situation of despair, God has promised to never leave us nor forsake us. He has promised to take what the enemy (Satan) meant for evil and turn it for our good.

As Pastor Dan says in a scene from Someone To Watch Over Me, “Faith is believing God is good in good times and God is good in bad times.”
We can stand on that. We can reach out to God confess our anger and disappointment, receive forgiveness and the help that comes from a friend who sticks closer than a brother.


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