Around The World Nativities 2022 – Day Twenty-Eight

by Merry Stahel   This Nativity is from Italy, and is the one that started my collection. In 1978, my beloved mother-in-law, Alma, bought it for us as a Christmas present for our first Christmas together. When the girls were little, they were fascinated by the Baby Jesus, and would…

by Merry Stahel


This Nativity is from Italy, and is the one that started my collection. In 1978, my beloved mother-in-law, Alma, bought it for us as a Christmas present for our first Christmas together.

When the girls were little, they were fascinated by the Baby Jesus, and would often take Him from the manger. I’d find Him mixed in with their toys, or in their pockets when I was doing laundry. Note in the photo that Baby Jesus is missing. I lost Him when I set up the Nativity, and found Him a few days later in the laundry room!

Eventually, the girls wanted the Nativity in their room at Christmas…but we didn’t have two Nativities.  So I bought a hand-carved wooden one in the Philippines. The Italian Nativity went into our oldest daughter Leslie’s room each Christmas, and the Philippine one went into the youngest daughter Jennifer’s room. Jennifer took her Nativity with her when she moved out on her own. Because Leslie travels/moves so much, I keep this one with me. One day when she settles down, she will have it in her own home.

Thus began my collection. Many of the Nativities I’ve shown are on display all year around in my home.

I hope you enjoyed seeing part of my collection. Take joy this season that Christ was born to save us, and keep God in your hearts always. Merry Christmas!

The song is The Hallelujah Chorus from Handel’s Messiah, sung by The Tabernacle Choir with The Temple Square Orchestra


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