Pinecones and Hollyberries by Clare Revell

Today we welcome Clare Revell, whose latest story, Pinecones and Hollyberries is part of the 2022 Christmas Extravaganza. Welcome, Clare. How did you come up with your title? I was flicking through my files and realised I didn’t have a book starting with a P… so I found something Christmassy…

Today we welcome Clare Revell, whose latest story, Pinecones and Hollyberries is part of the 2022 Christmas Extravaganza. Welcome, Clare.

How did you come up with your title?
I was flicking through my files and realised I didn’t have a book starting with a P… so I found something Christmassy that did.
What book are you reading now?
An ARC of The Preacher Wore Black Leather by Loree Lough
What do you do when you’re not writing?
When I’m not writing, I’m either crocheting, being plagued by Dog, or binge watching Grey’s Anatomy with J. We only recently discovered this and still have eight seasons to go to catch up.
What is the hardest part about writing?
Dog. He’s rather needy and likes everyone’s attention on him at all times. He’s 18mths, so hoping he’ll grow out of it.
What is the spiritual takeaway for your reader?
There is always a second chance.
What is your hero’s main character flaw?
He walks out when things get tough. Something he later regrets.
What is your heroine’s main character flaw?
She bears grudges. For years, but is willing to forgive eventually.
What can readers learn from your villain?
Things will catch up with you eventually.
What makes your hero heroic?
He risks everything to get home.
what makes your heroine heroic?
She puts everyone else before her.

Get Pinecones and Hollyberries now on Pelican Book Group or on Kindle below.


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