Clare Revell Talks About Her Inspiration for The Box

Cover image for the Easter-themed, Christian romantic suspense novella, The Box by author Clare Revell
Today, we’re excited to welcome Clare Revell to our space. Her latest novella, The Box, is an interesting take on the mythological tale Pandora’s Box. What is your writing schedule like? Not as chaotic as it once was to be honest. There are still three or four hours in the…

Today, we’re excited to welcome Clare Revell to our space. Her latest novella, The Box, is an interesting take on the mythological tale Pandora’s Box.

What is your writing schedule like?

Not as chaotic as it once was to be honest. There are still three or four hours in the middle of the night when I write by torch light so as not to wake hubby. And then it’s slotted into the day as and when Dog and the washing let me.

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?

Everything is written by hand first. And I cast all my novels. Which means several hours on line picking actors and so on. then printing them off and sticking them into my notebook. Then writing the blurb, adding the photos and printing that. Oh and the collages of the actors as well.

How did you come up with your title?

The Box was originally Pandora’s Box, but that clashed with a title Pelican already had, so we shortened it. The Box is kind of the central character in this story.

Are plots based on someone you know or events in your own life?

Bear really exists… So does his sailor outfit. And his name is actually Alfred Avon Adric… did I just admit to naming the hero after my Bear… maybe.

What is the spiritual takeaway for your reader?

Even when we feel abandoned, God is right there.

What is your hero’s main character flaw?

He wants to help everyone all the time, at the detriment of himself.

What is your heroine’s main character flaw?

She loses hope very easily and then feels worthless.

What makes your hero heroic?

He goes above and beyond to help anyone who’s in trouble.

If you had to choose an author whose current fans might like your book, what author would that be, and why?

Loree Lough because The Box is a cozy story with a feel-good factor and a close family.

If your story had a musical theme song, what would it be?

Who Am I? by Casting Crowns

Thank you, Clare, for stopping by today.

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