Touched By Grace

By Emily Grey What would you do if your husband (or boyfriend) abandoned you? My friend experienced a similar situation as the heroine in this story. Abandoned by her husband and with two small children, Grace refused to declare bankruptcy to preserve her good name. She had no choice but…

By Emily Grey

What would you do if your husband (or boyfriend) abandoned you?

My friend experienced a similar situation as the heroine in this story. Abandoned by her husband and with two small children, Grace refused to declare bankruptcy to preserve her good name. She had no choice but to sell her home and possessions.

In an ancient vehicle, she and her family left Seattle and landed in a seaside town in Oregon. Penniless, she was forced to accept charity for shelter and food—a bitter way to start a new life. But appreciative that the people were so friendly and helpful, she kept plugging on and vowed to repay them someday.

Hired by an irritating man who also experienced rejection, a relationship began with misunderstandings. They fought their way in friction from the first moment of meeting. Gritting her teeth and asking the Lord for his blessings, the heroine displays her courage and determination, and her efforts resulted in a love that was everlasting.
With my friend’s blessings and some imagination on my part, I wrote this book. What I’ve learned is to believe in the Lord, yourself, and your capabilities.

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