Interview with Susan Baganz, Author of Truffles and Traffic

Today we speak with Susan Baganz to gather a sneak peek into her writing process behind the book Truffles and Traffic, part of her Orchard Hill Series. How did you come up with your title? My Orchard Hill series is notorious for quirky titles with alliteration. Kristen, a member our…

Today we speak with Susan Baganz to gather a sneak peek into her writing process behind the book Truffles and Traffic, part of her Orchard Hill Series.

How did you come up with your title?
My Orchard Hill series is notorious for quirky titles with alliteration. Kristen, a member our ACFW chapter, urged me to write a book with truffles in the title so that when I do a book signing I could have truffles! (Yum!) So after playing around with words and ideas I came up with Truffles and Traffic. Fun fact, Kristen is also a twin, but with a sister, not a brother and sister like Ben and his sister Molly in the story. She loved the story.
How much of the book is based in real life?
This particular novel was inspired by a few events in real life. I was in a church over 25 years ago where two previously married individuals came seperately, both came to Christ, and eventually they remarried. it was so cool to see God at work! As for my main character’s career–in my town of Wisconsin, on March 24, 2015 a young State Patrol officer, Trevor Casper was on his first solo day and did follow a car into town but died in the process of killing the criminal. Given the negativity that so often surrounds law enforcement, I wanted to feature a character showing the challenges of that career and the heart that many serving have to protect their communities. Their lives matter.
What is your next project?
I’m working at co-authoring some military romance novels with my friend DeeDee Lake. Some have already released, more are scheduled and a few more need to be written. I do wish to write number 8 in the Orchard Hill Series – titled: Deviled Eggs and Dead Ends. Too many ideas and projects and not enough time!
What is the hardest part about writing?
Dealing with fear. Fear that I’m no good. Fear that readers won’t like the story. Fear that it won’t sell. I often have to go to God and give Him those fears. My husband made a mobile for me that hangs in my office window that has a wire hanging with a small picture of every book, and a little bling that sparkles in the sunlight (I make the ornaments that hang). It is there to remind me that God has used me and can continue to do so if I only lean on Him.
How can readers connect with you?
Blog:, My Facebook fan page at: SusanMBaganz, My facebook group page: Group, Twitter @susanbaganz, Pinterest at @silygoos, Instagram @silygooswriter

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