Truffles and Traffic Character Spotlight

Today’s character spotlight features the heroine/female protagonist and gives readers a chance to see things from her point of view. Tell us your name and a little bit about yourself I was betrayed by my ex. I became a State Patrol officer like my father. I don’t like to talk…

Today’s character spotlight features the heroine/female protagonist and gives readers a chance to see things from her point of view.

Tell us your name and a little bit about yourself
I was betrayed by my ex. I became a State Patrol officer like my father. I don’t like to talk about my past. My deepest sorrow was that he never came after me when I left. I felt like I wasn’t worth loving.
Where do you live, and why do you choose to live there?
I grew up in Wisconsin and attended school in the Milwaukee area. I received my first State Patrol assignment at the Waukesha branch of the State Patrol.
Who chronicled your story, and why do you think he/she picked you?
I think Susan chronicled it because she wanted me to heal from my bitterness toward Ben and come to know Jesus. Me? I’m a State Patrol officer and she wanted to highlight the heart and dangers of peope in law enforcement.
What obstacles did you overcome in order to reach your happily-ever-after?
I had to forgive Ben and come to understand the things within me that kept me from God… and happiness with Ben.
Tell us about your special romantic interest. What makes them so special?
Benjamin was a charming suitor the first time around. It was harder the second time but he was willing to humble himself and confess his sins. That shocked me.
The first time you saw your special person, what did you think? Was it love at first sight or did they have to grow on you?
He was cute and charming the first time and of course I loved his British accent! The second time, years later–I was shocked. He still made my heart race but I had to steel myself agsint that due to his past wrongs. My first love regrew stronger than ever wtih God’s help.
What is the spiritual takeaway for your reader?
God forgives and can restore brokeness.
Is there anything edgy/possibly controversial in your book? 
Given the nature of our society, I suppose an honest look at law enforcement showing the hardship and the humanity of those who serve, could be controversial.
What is your hero’s main character flaw?
He is impulsive and hyper which has resulted in workaholism due to his ADHD and in the past self-medicating that with alcohol. He’s working on that.
What is your heroine’s main character flaw?
She has trust issues and has a hard time standing up for herself outside of her job.
What makes your hero heroic?
His willingness to humble himself as a way to remove any barrier for Jo coming to know Christ.
what makes your heroine heroic?
She’s in law-enforcement, ready and able to help in times of crisis. That’s heroic.
My book will appeal to readers who like ______  Becky Wade or Melissa Tagg
My book will appeal to readers of the above-mentioned author because________________
Good clean romance where faith is integral.
If my story had a musical theme song it would be _______ by _______ Amy Grant’s rendition of the Rich Mullins song: Nothing is Beyond You

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