Meet Rosanna Cabot – A Refuge for Rosanna

Meet Rosanna Cabot from A Refuge for Rosanna   Tell us your name and a little bit about yourself My name is Rosanna Cabot, and I am an orphan. My guardian allowed me to choose not to marry, after my first love, Clarence, was killed. Where do you live, and…

Meet Rosanna Cabot from A Refuge for Rosanna


Tell us your name and a little bit about yourself
My name is Rosanna Cabot, and I am an orphan. My guardian allowed me to choose not to marry, after my first love, Clarence, was killed.
Where do you live, and why do you choose to live there?
I live in my own home. It's a lovely estate and sits on a hill. I've chosen it because I had a plan to help others through providing a refuge.
What is a quirk of your personality that people don't know?
Unless they spend time with me, they won't realize that I have a tendency to be flighty and silly.
What obstacles did you overcome in order to reach your happily-ever-after?
Oh my! So many. I had to convince my guardian to let me move to my own house in the country. That took some doing! My romance, once I got there, did not run smoothly. Someone nefarious also tried to force some things upon me. More than that I shan't say at this time.
Tell us about your knight in shining armour. What makes him so special?
Without giving away my story, he's honorable, God-fearing (now), and a gentleman of high caliber.

The first time you saw your special person, what did you think? Was it love at first sight or did he have to grow on you?
The first time I met him, he was in disguise and I didn't even know who he was.


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