Sisters – A blog from Karen Malley

Ah, sisters. A relationship with such potential for beauty, but often fraught with difficulty. In the Old Testament, we meet Rachel and Leah. Both end up married to the same man. There’s no wonder there’s tension there! Most of us won’t end up in that situation, but how often does…

Ah, sisters. A relationship with such potential for beauty, but often fraught with difficulty. In the Old Testament, we meet Rachel and Leah. Both end up married to the same man. There’s no wonder there’s tension there! Most of us won’t end up in that situation, but how often does a man come between two sisters, even in today’s world? In the New Testament, we meet Mary and Martha. Two sisters with very different personalities. Martha is the planner, the preparer, the hard worker, while Mary prefers to sit and listen to Jesus. Their two personalities clash. God gives us these examples to help us navigate our own relationships.

I admit, I’ve never had a sister by blood, but I’ve been blessed to have close friendships with women. Women trust one another with their deepest feelings but because of that, have the ability to wound one another deeply. Men and women relate to one another in different ways, so having a sisterly relationship can fulfill a need not filled by a man. Of course, only God can meet our needs fully.

In Sunflowers in Suspicions, Julie’s twin sister goes missing, and we learn of the struggles that led to a fracturing of their relationship. In spite of their differences, Julie drops everything to find her. Julie shows us what it is like when Jesus pursues us. Even if we turn our back on Him, He continues to love us and wants to bring us home.


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