Character Spotlight – Touched By Grace

This character spotlight is on the heroine/female protagonist of the book Touched By Grace, by Emily Grey. Tell us your name and a little bit about yourself. Emily Grey. I have two grown children. Where do you live, and why do you choose to live there? California. I live here…

This character spotlight is on the heroine/female protagonist of the book Touched By Grace, by Emily Grey.

Tell us your name and a little bit about yourself.
Emily Grey. I have two grown children.
Where do you live, and why do you choose to live there?
California. I live here for the climate and because my children are in the state.
What obstacles did you overcome in order to reach your happily-ever-after?
A husband who really didn’t want to leave his family and move here.
What is the spiritual takeaway for your reader?
Being spiritual can help climb mountains.
What is your hero’s main character flaw?
What is your heroine’s main character flaw?
What can readers learn from your villain?
Crime doesn’t pay.
What makes your heroine heroic?
The guts to keep on trying. Fighting for her family
My book will appeal to readers who like______
Evelyn Boycott
My book will appeal to readers of the above-mentioned author because________________
Similar circumstances
If your story had a musical theme song, what would it be?
Breathe by Taylor Swift

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