A Sneak Peek at the Author’s Inspiration for Falling For Forever

By Katherine Robles I suffer from the occasional mini-midlife crisis. I love my life and I don’t regret my major life choices like being a stay at home mom for 11 years. But sometimes I look around and wonder if I should have done things differently. I excelled academically in…

By Katherine Robles

I suffer from the occasional mini-midlife crisis. I love my life and I don’t regret my major life choices like being a stay at home mom for 11 years. But sometimes I look around and wonder if I should have done things differently. I excelled academically in school, but now I’m in my early 40s and barely using my degree while many of my friends from high school and college are lawyers, engineers, scientists, and college professors. 

In Falling For Forever, Hillary is very ambitious and has to grapple with her identity and decide what’s truly important in life. I didn’t set out to write Falling For Forever as an encouragement for myself, but when I finished it and looked back, I said, “Oh, clearly my subconscious has been mulling this over”. I think we all need the reminder that we matter and that what we do matters. 

I set the novel in Great Falls National Park because it’s such a fun place to visit. The waterfalls and gorge are beautiful and flanked by huge boulders. Where we live in Delaware is a flat peninsula so when we go to Virginia, my kids just love climbing rocks and hiking down hills (not so much up the hills, but we get there!). I’m excited to share Hillary and Javier’s love story with my readers. I hope they’re both entertained and encouraged.

The photos are of the gorge below Great Falls and of my son on one of the trails.











A Sneak Peek at the Author’s Inspiration for Falling For Forever

Falling For Forever

by Katherine Robles
Release Date 2023-08-04
ISBN: 9781522399162
PelicanID: 1629
Genres: Fiction / Christian / Romance / General
Pages: 226
Format: eBook

Hillary needs a major change in her life. She's stifled by an entry level IT job in the Virginia suburbs and longs to move to Washington D.C. where she can make a difference in the world.

When Javier comes to her rescue in Great Falls National Park, Hillary likes everything about him except for the gorgeous fiance hanging on his arm. But things are not as they seem. He enlists her help to renovate a homeless shelter, and romance blossoms over paintbrushes and pipes until a career-launching opportunity arises.

Hillary can chase her dreams, but they might cost her Javier' s heart.

Now Available at these places and more:

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