Kindle Daily Deal for August 8th, Wake The Dead

Hurry! There is only one day, August 8th 2023, where you can buy this book for only $1.99 with a Kindle Deal! Which book is it? Wake the Dead by Buck, Victoria To view a preview, continue scrolling.

Hurry! There is only one day, August 8th 2023, where you can buy this book for only $1.99 with a Kindle Deal!

Which book is it?
Wake the Dead by Buck, Victoria

To view a preview, continue scrolling.

Kindle Daily Deal for August 8th, Wake The Dead

Wake the Dead

by Victoria Buck
Release Date 2014-07-25
ISBN: 9781611163353
Genres: Fiction / Christian / Futuristic
Pages: 336

What if the first man reborn of an evolutionary leap doesn't like his new life? Is escape even possible? The time is right for introducing the world to the marvels of techno-medical advancements. An influential man, one loved and adored, is needed for the job, and who better than celebrity Chase Sterling? After suffering injuries no one could survive Chase is rebuilt like no one has ever seen before. In the not-too-distant future a man—if he can still be called a man—breaks away from the forces taking over his life and finds new purpose in the secret world of hiding believers.

Now Available at these places and more:

Amazon Book Preview

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